Wednesday, May 18, 2016

For the Beautiful Ladies

So, this has been bugging me for awhile and I feel the need to get this off my chest.  Here's some advice for my beautiful, unmarried ladies who always end up with some of the worst excuses for "men" I have ever heard of.  You can take it or leave it, and I know most of you end up leaving it, but I feel it needs to be said.  This is obviously just my opinion.

If there is a guy who thinks he has a shot with you, YOU, of all people, the most stunning, amazing, intelligent, kind, thoughtful, unbelievable woman I have ever been lucky enough to know.....then he thinks he has a shot with anybody.  He obviously thinks way too much of himself and will end up taking that shot with any and every woman he sets eyes on.  Humble, good, honest, loving men would never in a million years think he would be good enough for you, and therefore can't even imagine trying to get a date with you. He will stand on the sidelines and watch you get hurt over and over again, wondering what is wrong with the guys who would hurt such an angel, but can't imagine that you would ever give him the time of day.

Don't let a guy pick you.  Because then you are settling.  I'm sorry, but it's true.  You are settling for whatever comes your way because in the past the douchebags who have hurt you made you believe, wrongly, that you are replaceable. That you are unworthy.  They are so wrong.  So terribly wrong. You can assume that any guy that thinks he is worthy of you is also wrong.  You deserve someone who feels lucky that you picked him.  That when you walk through the door, he is shocked every single day that you allow him in your heart and he can call you "his".

So my advice?  Steer clear of the guys who pick you.  He is not worthy.  You pick who YOU want.  Not the other way around.  The shy guy who thinks he never has a shot with you?  He will cherish every single thing about you.  As he should.  And I'm not talking about the guy who has no backbone and is a "yes" man.  I'm talking about the guy who is completely content to be on his own, have his own ideas and dreams, but would feel blessed to have you in his life to share them with.  THAT is the guy you want.  Don't settle.  You are worth more than that.  I know it.  Now it's time for you to know it too.

Tuesday, April 26, 2016

Warning! This WILL piss you off

I will warn you, as the title suggests, that unless you are an open minded, logical thinking, I can see both sides to an argument type person....this post will piss you off. One, because liberals and conservatives alike will be on my chopping block, and two, there will be language.  Potentially a lot of it depending on how riled up I get typing this.

First of all, let me address the liberals.  Now you know how it feels.  Now you know what it feels like to have the laws made that make perfectly law abiding citizens criminals just so you can, mistakenly, feel like your children are safer.  Now you should understand that when a person has no ill intent, but YOU feel like there is a potential chance that your children could be harmed, pass a law!! That makes it all better!  NOW your children are safer.  You feel better, even though a perfectly harmless person who owns a gun, minding their own business, and has never hurt a fly, and has no intention of doing so, but feels more comfortable having said protection, is now a criminal. * I hope you feel better.

Now, on to the conservatives.  You DO know how it feels!  You know that passing an effing law does NOTHING to protect citizens, and yet you continue to promote stupid ass laws that make completely law abiding citizens who are just minding their own damn business into criminals! How do you not see the irony?  How can you sit there and promote this crap?  What is wrong with you? * Do you not see that not once, NOT ONCE, has there ever been a reporting of a sexual assault by a trans individual in a public restroom, but because YOU, again...mistakenly, feel that it could possibly make your children safer, you say, "PASS A LAW!  It makes everything better!  My children will be safer!  Let's make people who are law abiding citizens who are minding their own business freaking criminals!" *

Here's the deal. If you have been sexually assaulted in a public restroom, I completely understand your reservations about allowing your children into one without adult supervision.  Completely.  So fathers with daughters, you should definitely join them to make sure they are safe.  And mothers with sons?  Absolutely, make sure you attend to your sons needs if they get sick or need help with a zipper or something.  That makes perfect sense.  But wait!  Oh....THAT'S RIGHT!  You CAN'T!  Because you will get ARRESTED! *

And then I saw this.......

Now, a couple things about this.  First of all, there is not a single trans individual who would be caught dead out in public looking like that.  They look 100X better than I do even on a good day. I mean, that's not saying much, but still.  And secondly, what the hell kind of dive bomb ass places are you taking your daughter to that have a bathroom that looks like that? A toilet in the middle of the floor?  Really? I mean, I have been to some pretty seedy places in my life, and let me tell you, they still had stalls.  With a DOOR. *

And then there was this one....

I mean, the irony of this post is just hilarious. How do you not see it? Wow.  But yeah, anyway.  Thanks for helping me make my point.  I appreciate it. should recognize and accept that the liberals have a point.  Even if they are wrong, they feel like banning guns makes their children safer.  Even though it makes law abiding citizens criminals, it is FOR THE CHILDREN.  And liberals....YOU should recognize and accept that the conservatives have a point.  Even if they are wrong, they feel like banning trans individuals from public restrooms makes THEIR children safer.  Even though it makes law abiding citizens criminals, it is FOR THE CHILDREN!

Newsflash *, not one, I repeat, not ONE law that has ever been passed has ACTUALLY made your children safer.  Okay, maybe the seat belt law.  I'll give you that.  You know what keeps your children safe?  YOU!!!!!!!!!!!  Educate. Inform. Be available.  You get educated. You get informed. Because until that happens, this whole FOR THE CHILDREN crap does nothing for the kids. Liberals...I know, why don't we make a law that ALL guns are banned from this country.  Police, bodyguards, secret service etc. are not immune.  If you have someone breaking into your home or threatening your life, you can call the police who will be armed with only their words and good intentions.  Or conservatives, let's make a law that girls of all ages should be required to wear skirts so that authorities can easily access and verify whether or not they REALLY have a vagina.  Ya, know.  FOR OUR CHILDREN. *

I'm not sure if you think that sounds ridiculous, but I can guarantee you there is a lawmaker out there. somewhere, who does not.  Let me make it very clear.  If you encounter a law abiding citizen who is carrying a gun, you are SAFE.  If you encounter a law abiding trans in a bathroom, you are SAFE. Understand, if all the sheeple continue to support idiotic, arbitrary and ineffective laws that criminalize the very basic right to just be left the hell alone, then I promise you, the next law abiding citizen who ends up in jail.....will be YOU.

*feel free to insert, "ya dumbass" here.  Because that is totally what I'm thinking in my head right now

Thursday, September 3, 2015

The Cell Phone Contract

I just recently read a post from a friend regarding cell phone contracts between a parent and their child that I struggled with.  Now, if you know me, you know that if you do things differently than me, more power to ya. But if you are looking for some guidance, or wonder, "What do other people do in this situation?", maybe I can provide a fresh perspective.  Here's my contract that I've had with my teenage son for the last two years regarding his cell phone.

1.  I trust you to be smart.  I know that you keep your phone on silent at all times, home or school.  I know that it stays in your back pack during class in case there are "friends" who want to take it, play with it, throw it around etc. I know that you have never gone over on your data plan. I know that you have two intricate lock pattern screens in order to get into your phone.  Is it to keep me out?  Maybe. But when you told me it was so kids at school couldn't and wouldn't want to take it, I trust you.

2. I trust your decision making skills.  You have always responded in a timely manner when I have texted or called.  You have never broken, lost, or gotten your phone taken from a teacher. I know that your phone stays in your vehicle while at work. I know that when I say there are no phones at the dinner table, you shut if off and don't complain. It's just how it is.

3. I trust you to be kind. We've tried to raise you right, but I don't know if you're bullying someone online.  But when the mother of the new kid in band comes up to me and tells me how much her son enjoys being around you and how great he thinks you are, then I think we're doing okay.

4. I trust you to be open and honest with me when you need to be. When you have come to me with questions regarding things online or with stuff other's have posted, I know that I can trust you to look for honest answers from me.

5. I trust you to be accountable.  Are you up all hours of the night on your phone?  I don't know.  I do know that you get up at 5:00 in the morning every other day to be at work on time, without fail, and that you get up at 6:00 in the morning on the opposing days for jazz band, so I don't care to be totally honest.

6. I trust you to be respectful.  We talked about sending penis pics.  Nobody wants to see that. It's gross. Remember the Brett Favre debacle? Just ew. Don't do it. Just don't. And don't be a douche and ask girls for boobie pics.  It makes you look bad, and seriously, a girl who responds to you with a picture is not the kind of wife or mother for your children you want long term. We both know it would be a waste of your time and effort.

7. I trust you to be responsible.  You bought your phone, and you have to pay for your own contract. It's all on you. If it gets taken, lost or broken, it's your problem to deal with. Not mine.  I won't save you, and you don't expect me to. I remember when the lady at the cell phone store told me it would be cheaper to just put your phone on my plan.  "Not cheaper for me!" I laughed.  You're in charge, completely, of what happens to your phone. And I trust that you take that responsibility seriously.

 In short, I trust you. I trust that you have been and continue to be a pretty amazing person.Could that change?  I'm sure. But I will trust you until that time comes.  I remember you coming to me one day and said, "Mom?  Have I ever thanked you for not going through my phone or making me give it to you to look through?  I know some kids who have to hand it over every night.  That would suck."  My response?

 "Thank you for not making me feel like I need to."

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

.....And So Can I

Let me just start this blog by saying that we all have opinions, varied and passionate, but let's be clear.  The nature of the word "opinion" makes it imperative to realize that these are not facts people.  NOT facts.  And because we live in the great country of America, we all have the right to express our opinions.  Let me also be clear that I have absolutely no desire to change your opinion.  What you believe makes you inherently you.  It is what makes you unique, and I don't want to change that about anybody, even if our beliefs are drastically different.  Lord knows I live with and love a man dearly who doesn't agree with most of my beliefs.  But both of us have no problem with saying, "Let's agree to disagree."  My 13 year old understands this concept.  Why some full grown adults can't figure it out baffles me.  So please, feel free to use your right to express your opinion, as will I.

However, let me also be clear that you do not have the right to express your opinion in a hurtful or hateful manner.  No one has been given that right, unless I missed something somewhere.

Let me give you a list of just a few of my loved ones: those who are gay, those who may be but are too young to comprehend this yet, those who can't walk, those who can't see, those who can't talk, those who can't read, those who are in wheelchairs as we speak, and those who will be.  Every single one of these people are not the "social norm".  Every single one will be the recipient of disgust, disdain and degradation.  They will be bullied, they will be laughed at, and they will be treated as "less than".  And if you are one of those people who are openly hurtful or hateful to any of the ones I hold dear to my heart, I will call you on it, I will fight you on it, and I will win.

I am a huge believer in karma.  (If you are not, see first paragraph).  I believe every single person needs to remember to treat others as they want themselves or their loved ones to be treated.  And if you are a person who chooses to be hurtful and hateful, God forbid anyone you know or love doesn't fit into what is society's idea of "normal".  Because karma can be a bitch.....(insert title of blog here).

Sunday, April 22, 2012

Tiger Mom

A while back, I had a few friends tell me that I was a "tiger mom".  At that time, I had no idea what they meant.  I assumed it was somewhere along the lines of being a "cougar".  Apparently not.  :)

So....a tiger mom.  I have to wonder if this is a good or bad thing.  I have lots of opinions on what kind of mother I want to be.  Lots.  Yes, you can feel sorry for my kids now.  I will reinforce the opinion, however, that this is the kind of mother I want to be.  NOT, I repeat, NOT what I think everyone else should be.  They're your kids.  Do what you want with them.  Just remember, I'm going to do what I want with mine.

This has become very clear to me as my kids get older that as far as moms go, I'm not nice.  I would say that my style of parenting is more "I'm going to make sure you are prepared for life outside my home" versus the "I really wish you would never grow up."  We enjoy our sons, but we have a job to do.  And trust me, it IS a job.  One that I take a lot of pride in.  But my title is "Mom", not "Friend".

For instance, an allowance?  My sons have all brought this up.  Once.  I looked at them, and said, "Uh, no."  That was the end of the discussion.  lol.  But we have talked about things in relation to this over and over again.  Our children do lots of things around the house, because they live here.  I don't get paid to do the dishes, Kevin doesn't get paid to mow.  They won't either.  It's called being a part of this family.  Secondly, having money, in my opinion, is not a right.  It's earned.  At a job.  I refuse to let my sons believe they should get money just because they live and breathe.  Not happening.  See, feel sorry for them yet?

 Also, my children are required to get straight A's.  They are extremely intelligent, and fully capable.  If they are struggling in a class, they have to inform us immediately, and they have to work especially hard to bring it up to snuff, or electronic devices are banned until said grade is an A.  They know the expectation, and they rise up to meet it.  And, no, they don't get money for their grades.  They get a special date, of their choosing, with us.  And hugs.  Lots of hugs.

Thirdly, our sons don't have cell phones.  And they won't until they get jobs and pay for them themselves.  It's a great way to teach responsibility and develop a credit rating.  I know.  I get the response of, "I like to know where my kids are at."  Newsflash, I haven't lost one yet.

 So, a tiger mom I may be.  But I plan on having kids fully prepared for the outside world, and at this rate, they are probably going to be running and screaming from our home to greet it with open arms.  :)

Thursday, January 12, 2012

Beautiful Girl

January 10th is a hard day for us.  More specifically, hard for Mason and I.  In 2008, a beautiful, kind amazing nine year old girl was taken from us in a tragic car accident that left us shaken.  Every year in the past, Mason has struggled.  Sadly, every year I have struggled to help. 

I went to college with the intention of helping those in need.  I took every psych course, every child development course, and every "self help" course I could find to make sure I could do this effectively.  Yet, every year, January rolls around and I feel completely unprepared to deal with Mason's sadness.  Every time he tears up, I'm worthless.  His grief  seems to bring me to my knees.  I can't seem to find the right words of consolation, because my tears choke every word. 

This year has been a little better.  Maybe it's because the snowy roads haven't been around to put a little edge of fear in our hearts.  Maybe it's because Mason has grown older and better equipped to deal with loss.  Hopefully it's not because he has given up on talking to his mom about this stuff because she's not equipped to deal with his loss.

However, when I am able to choke out the words, I tell Mason how glad I am that he has such wonderful memories of Morgan.  That I'm glad he had such an amazing person in his life, even for a short time.  And I am glad that he was able to know someone that incorporated everything about these two words....Beautiful Girl.

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Preston's story

Sorry I haven't done this in a while.  I've been really busy now that I'm working (for those of you who did not know this, yes, I have started working.  No, hell has not frozen over.)  Anyway, I just found a story Preston wrote for his class about a Christmas tree that I was impressed with, so for the family members who are interested, I'll post.  Everyone else may be totally bored with this, but it's my kid, I get to brag.

     I was a small pine tree at the edge of the forest.  No animals ever paid attention to me.  One day a warthog was in a bad mood.  It's tusks were covered with mud, bugs and flowers.  It came to me to rub it off.  Then, one day a young boy and his dad came and put ornaments on me.  They did this every year for every holiday.  But most of all, they cared for me all year long.  Christmas is the best holiday ever.  Even was I reached over their heads, I was still the perfect little Christmas tree they loved.  Finally, I was about to die, and I was used to make a house so I can always be with the ones I love.  I love it when the kids invite friends over, and they still decorate me for Christmas every year.